about me

20141207_100100 (2)I mess this whole thing up daily, wear fuzzy socks any time I can and believe you can’t possibly be surrounded by daisies without smiling.

I am married to a man who is proof that God sends broad shouldered, quiet angels to watch over us and get to be called mama by three crazy, creative, bold babies who keep me humble and awestruck daily.

I hope you have fun here, slow long enough to smile at your world, laugh with me a bit and rest knowing you are adored by a gigantic God who wants nothing more than to spend a few moments with you.

One thought on “about me

  1. I stumbled across your website when I was researching about homemade drano’s. I was touched with your posts and positive outlook in life.
    As a christian wife and mother myself, I was encouraged by your simple messages.
    God bless,


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